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- Level 490 - Perpetual Pachinko
- Level 149 - The Climb
- Object 26 - Viewmasters
- Entity 92 - Tucker
- Joke Entry - Da Bakroomz
Level 149 is the 150th Level of the Backrooms. The only way to traverse this Level is by moving up the staircase as backtracking is impossible.
Appearance-wise, Level 149 looks like a boreal forest with a typical wooden staircase that one would find on a hiking trail. The staircase is narrow, worn, and has a steep incline of 43.5 degrees, making it cumbersome for wanderers to climb.
Auditory Hallucinations.
Viewmaster objects with discs that you can find around the Backrooms that show moving images of already known Levels as well as undiscovered Levels.
hi my naem is duncan : ) and I gots lost in da bakroomz plese halp me I kant fined my mommy : (
da bakroomz luks liek a big big big big big storr wiff lossa foods and dreenks and kloths and toys and ol laydees hoo push da karts 2 slow and pinc my cheeks
moove ol laydees and stap pincing my cheeks! and noooo i am nott a kootie pa tootie! > : (
i tink dey r skeensteelors but i ekscapd dem and gottawey ha ha! no cheeks 4 u!
good ting I founded dis paypr and dees cryons in wiff da toys so I can rite 4 halp
i gots lossed wen i went two luk at da toys 4 a liddle bit an den i koudant fined mommy!
my meanie oder sistar alice sed dat da bakroomz r a playce u gets stucc in and dey gos on 4 EVAR wiff skeensteelors so i ges i am stucc in da bakroomz nao
butt i tink i will be ok becuz i am a big boy becuz i am 4 yeers ohd and my mommy sed i am hur big liddle man hoo is strwong and smaart and braiv so
oh oh oh oh wayt! i cee my mommy nao! i cee mommy!
ok by by e!
(use crayon and write out Duncan's note about "da bakroomz", upload it…profit…?)
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